- Directional Drilling Technology
- Horizontal Boring
- Directional Drilling Companies
- Directional Drilling Contractors
- Horizontal Drilling
- Directional Boring Contractors
- Underground Boring
- Auger Boring Contractors
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Your #1 Source For Directional Drilling Contractors
New "No Dig" Directional Drilling Technology
Directional Drilling also referred to as Horizontal Boring is a new technology that allows for underground lines to be run great distances without the need for trenching. It can be utilized for many different applications including boring lines for electrical conduit, water lines, gas lines, sewer lines or for just about and type of utility that runs underground. Because directional drilling doesn't require any trenching it is ideal for running lines or pipes under streets, buildings, railways, as well as ponds, rivers, or other water structures.
Excellent for Boring New Utility Runs
Horizontal Boring technologies allow for highly precise drilling runs using a GPS guided electronic drill head accurate to within several thousandths of an inch. It is an exciting new technology available to contractors that can complete your project on time and under budget compared to traditional trenching methods of the past that required closing down streets and businesses for weeks to complete and back-fill the trench as well as repair buildings, roadways and structures that lie in the path of the designed utility run.
Reduces Construction Time

Saves Expensive Landscapes
Save Historical Structures
No Unsightly Excavation
Reduces Impact on Area Residents
Reduces Impact on Area Businesses
Eliminates Ground Settling
Minimal Disruption To Roads, Rails
Directional Drilling Rig In Action
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No Disruption To Roads or Buildings
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